ALPHABOUNCE MINING GUIDE (version 1.0.0) - February 27, 2014 What's this? It's a guide that helps Motion Twin's Alphabounce players collect a lot of minerals in the least amount of shc. The guide follows a route with enough minerals to average at least 212 shc per sector allowing players to purchase almost 2 shc for every 1 spent, or purchase other items that could take ages otherwise. A few notes before we begin... This mining guide is made for use by ESCorp players that's why it doesn't include your return. At the end of your route you're supposed to use your retrofuser to return to origin and the reason is that where it ends, the explored sectors are very sparse not leaving you a lot of options. Remember you need to look out for your mineral average per sector. That's why if you are a FURI player, you need to plan out your return before you venture too far. A safe and easy return for FURI is indicated in the guide after the first 100-110 sectors, since you can jump into the same wormhole you came from, but you may not be able to trigger mineral respawn by the time you've reached the Pofiak merchant and come back for another round, since that happens after 200 played sectors. If, however, you wish to continue on the route for more mining, make sure to plan out your return before the sparse zones. The route is optimized for Generator #7 and assumes the entire area is already explored so radar doesn't count, but if this is the first time you're getting there you'll be limited by your radar and you may not be able to go directly from one listed sector to the next. If that happens try to find sectors as rich in minerals as possible to connect the two sectors. A few times the guide will in fact ask you to play a series of sectors of your choice in sparse mining zones. However when you're done and want to come back for another round, radar will no longer limit your jumps and that will improve your mineral average. Generator #6 will work too with a slight average drop but keep in mind, the weaker your generator the more shc you'll be required to spend and that can severely hurt your average. When you're done mining and want to purchase shc, you need to find a cheap merchant. I recommend the merchant at [-18][82] because he's one of the nearest to origin and almost the cheapest, sells for 109 minerals per shc, best bang for your buck by far. The cheapest sells for 108 but being quite far from the origin he's not good value (for 11,000 minerals you'll get +1 shc). We'll start mining at [335][-166] and head south-east all the way to the missile at [380][-79] then come back. At that point FURI have a chance to get back into the wormhole and return, or continue and find another way back later (there are other options). Then we'll go north and then north-east all the way to planet Folket. So let's begin! The guide assumes you're inside the Karbonis Belt, so first thing you need to do is reach the wormhole at [121][-50], then follow the guide sector by sector as listed below... =!= START OF ROUTE =!= [335][-166] = 160 minerals (162 with drone converter) [339][-162] = 110 .. [337][-160] = 110 .. [337][-159] = 120 .. [337][-158] = 155 .. (157 with drone converter) [336][-157] = 210 .. (222 with drone converter) [342][-157] = 104 .. [343][-155] = 400 .. (404 with drone converter) Don't worry about the other minerals here, we will come back around this area later. So far you have mined 1369 minerals (1389 with drone converter) and spent 8 shc. Your average: 171 (174 with drone converter) Don't worry we've just started, your average will go through the roof soon. Let's move on... [340][-150] = 400 .. (402 with drone converter) [334][-150] = 160 .. [339][-149] = 200 .. [342][-149] = 200 .. (208 with drone converter) [343][-143] = 128 .. [337][-145] = 100 .. (101 with drone converter) [334][-142] = 200 .. (218 with drone converter) [337][-139] = 124 .. [337][-137] = 466 .. [337][-131] = 122 .. [336][-130] = 122 .. (127 with drone converter) [341][-129] = 474 .. [340][-123] = 107 .. [334][-123] = 231 .. [334][-117] = 400 .. [337][-114] = 200 .. (204 with drone converter) [336][-111] = 77 .. [330][-112] = 112 .. [328][-110] = 324 .. [331][-108] = 120 .. [329][-107] = 101 .. (110 with drone converter) [329][-104] = 818 .. (828 with drone converter) [335][-104] = 230 .. [342][-103] = 32 .. [342][-98] = 150 .. (156 with drone converter) [344][-97] = 450 .. [348][-100] = 100 .. [352][-98] = 220 .. (222 with drone converter) [354][-98] = 346 .. [359][-95] = 252 .. [361][-92] = 110 .. (118 with drone converter) [361][-88] = 224 .. [360][-84] = 228 .. [364][-85] = 160 .. [365][-78] = 150 .. [366][-76] = 344 .. [368][-70] = 40 .. [376][-70] = 300 .. [376][-73] = 57 .. [379][-78] = 450 .. Reached the missile. Here we're making a "U" turn and gonna go back towards the wormhole and collect more minerals in the process. So far you have mined 10398 minerals (10491 with drone converter) and spent 48 shc. Your average: 217 (219 with drone converter) If you're looking to purchase shc, that's about the average we want to maintain for 2 shc per 1 spent, remember the merchant that sells for 109. Moving on... [384][-81] = 224 .. [385][-82] = 126 .. (130 with drone converter) [387][-88] = 168 .. [383][-89] = 120 .. [379][-91] = 120 .. [373][-89] = 110 .. [368][-91] = 155 .. [369][-95] = 770 .. (772 with drone converter) [371][-97] = 120 .. [371][-99] = 116 .. [367][-97] = 300 .. [365][-99] = 112 .. [362][-101] = 132 .. [358][-105] = 225 .. [351][-106] = 339 .. [350][-112] = 80 .. [353][-113] = 450 .. [349][-117] = 128 .. [345][-119] = 400 .. [348][-118] = 223 .. [352][-120] = 200 .. (204 with drone converter) [356][-118] = 162 .. (168 with drone converter) [359][-121] = 112 .. (118 with drone converter) [367][-121] = 212 .. [367][-129] = 20 .. ( 25 with drone converter) [366][-133] = 400 .. (404 with drone converter) [373][-133] = 400 .. [371][-137] = 80 .. [368][-137] = 120 .. (122 with drone converter) [366][-139] = 160 .. [364][-140] = 152 .. (154 with drone converter) [362][-141] = 176 .. (184 with drone converter) [361][-144] = 126 .. (128 with drone converter) [360][-143] = 216 .. [355][-144] = 400 .. (404 with drone converter) [353][-138] = 316 .. (326 with drone converter) [351][-142] = 120 .. (130 with drone converter) [351][-143] = 600 .. [353][-148] = 112 .. (113 with drone converter) [350][-149] = 100 .. (101 with drone converter) [349][-153] = 315 .. (316 with drone converter) [351][-153] = 160 .. [357][-155] = 160 .. (161 with drone converter) [359][-157] = 126 .. [365][-158] = 90 .. [372][-159] = 302 .. [378][-161] = 410 .. [385][-161] = 408 .. [388][-165] = 202 .. (207 with drone converter) [384][-163] = 210 .. (226 with drone converter) [380][-164] = 284 .. (287 with drone converter) [372][-164] = 306 .. (307 with drone converter) [369][-160] = 68 .. ( 71 with drone converter) [362][-161] = 590 .. [358][-164] = 156 .. (158 with drone converter) [353][-164] = 159 .. (161 with drone converter) [348][-161] = 120 .. (135 with drone converter) [346][-161] = 130 .. [344][-162] = 145 .. And here we're back again... So far you have mined 23341 minerals (23554 with drone converter) and spent 107 shc. Your average: 218 (220 with drone converter) FURI players, this is your first chance to go back through the wormhole. If you don't want to go back just yet, make sure to plan out your return at some point. Let's go up! [346][-166] = 200 .. [351][-168] = 168 .. [350][-173] = 304 .. [354][-174] = 115 .. (117 with drone converter) [353][-177] = 150 .. (151 with drone converter) [347][-177] = 120 .. [348][-182] = 208 .. [354][-181] = 74 .. [357][-183] = 300 .. (306 with drone converter) [359][-186] = 200 .. [363][-186] = 72 .. [369][-184] = 600 .. [370][-191] = 64 .. [366][-192] = 212 .. (213 with drone converter) [363][-194] = 408 .. (416 with drone converter) [363][-192] = 152 .. (156 with drone converter) [363][-189] = 150 .. (156 with drone converter) [359][-186] = 200 .. [357][-187] = 306 .. [352][-186] = 65 .. ( 71 with drone converter) [345][-186] = 200 .. (201 with drone converter) [344][-184] = 216 .. [341][-186] = 232 .. [336][-185] = 300 .. [333][-186] = 200 .. [339][-188] = 104 .. [337][-193] = 176 .. [335][-199] = 98 .. [330][-200] = 192 .. (196 with drone converter) [336][-200] = 55 .. [339][-201] = 200 .. (206 with drone converter) [342][-199] = 230 .. (231 with drone converter) [342][-207] = 260 .. [338][-206] = 444 .. [333][-209] = 138 .. (140 with drone converter) [339][-211] = 82 .. [338][-214] = 412 .. [335][-218] = 91 .. ( 92 with drone converter) [333][-220] = 154 .. [334][-221] = 160 .. (170 with drone converter) [333][-221] = 160 .. (168 with drone converter) [332][-224] = 812 .. [329][-226] = 132 .. (134 with drone converter) [328][-228] = 60 .. [320][-228] = 186 .. [318][-233] = 80 .. ( 85 with drone converter) [319][-239] = 300 .. [322][-236] = 110 .. [324][-237] = 410 .. [325][-236] = 154 .. [327][-234] = 407 .. [330][-229] = 40 .. [334][-225] = 168 .. (186 with drone converter) [339][-224] = 120 .. [341][-224] = 136 .. [342][-228] = 200 .. [349][-227] = 130 .. [352][-232] = 362 .. [352][-231] = 454 .. (456 with drone converter) [354][-226] = 330 .. [356][-227] = 150 .. [361][-224] = 100 .. (104 with drone converter) [361][-232] = 154 .. [366][-233] = 600 .. (602 with drone converter) [368][-236] = 120 .. (122 with drone converter) [370][-241] = 200 .. (204 with drone converter) [374][-244] = 200 .. [375][-241] = 300 .. [376][-238] = 800 .. (804 with drone converter) [383][-237] = 416 .. [388][-236] = 24 .. ( 38 with drone converter) [389][-231] = 230 .. [393][-234] = 304 .. [400][-235] = 26 .. [401][-229] = 234 .. [400][-232] = 80 .. ( 82 with drone converter) [399][-237] = 350 .. (358 with drone converter) [400][-243] = 227 .. [397][-243] = 204 .. [391][-245] = 30 .. [388][-249] = 200 .. (206 with drone converter) [382][-250] = 150 .. [377][-248] = 216 .. (217 with drone converter) [378][-248] = 230 .. [382][-251] = 260 .. [387][-250] = 306 .. [389][-252] = 87 .. [391][-258] = 104 .. (108 with drone converter) [385][-258] = 196 .. (203 with drone converter) [387][-261] = 122 .. [389][-262] = 120 .. [393][-259] = 150 .. [393][-260] = 400 .. (404 with drone converter) [396][-263] = 90 .. [395][-267] = 247 .. [400][-265] = 162 .. We're getting into dense mining zones, get ready for mining fest! So far you have mined 43893 minerals (44262 with drone converter) and spent 203 shc. Your average: 216 (218 with drone converter) [405][-262] = 50 .. [404][-258] = 224 .. (228 with drone converter) [410][-258] = 58 .. ( 66 with drone converter) [409][-265] = 239 .. (249 with drone converter) [409][-268] = 224 .. [409][-276] = 308 .. [407][-277] = 120 .. [408][-281] = 140 .. Don't worry about the other minerals here, we will come back around this area later. So far you have mined 45256 minerals (45647 with drone converter) and spent 211 shc. Your average: 214 (216 with drone converter) [414][-279] = 164 .. [413][-272] = 130 .. [417][-272] = 208 .. [418][-272] = 126 .. (143 with drone converter) [418][-271] = 400 .. (412 with drone converter) [419][-270] = 400 .. (410 with drone converter) [419][-269] = 126 .. [417][-267] = 308 .. [416][-266] = 245 .. [414][-267] = 186 .. [414][-265] = 150 .. (156 with drone converter) [416][-262] = 182 .. (188 with drone converter) [418][-259] = 300 .. [422][-256] = 11 .. ( 19 with drone converter) [426][-256] = 120 .. [430][-255] = 400 .. [428][-260] = 74 .. [429][-263] = 120 .. [430][-264] = 150 .. [425][-267] = 150 .. (160 with drone converter) [423][-272] = 104 .. (108 with drone converter) [427][-274] = 160 .. (161 with drone converter) [430][-272] = 312 .. [435][-273] = 178 .. [437][-269] = 123 .. [443][-269] = 120 .. [445][-264] = 108 .. (110 with drone converter) [447][-265] = 156 .. [448][-263] = 168 .. [449][-267] = 203 .. [453][-270] = 120 .. [457][-267] = 350 .. (354 with drone converter) [455][-272] = 137 .. [453][-278] = 630 .. (636 with drone converter) Don't worry about the other minerals here, we will come back around this area later. So far you have mined 52075 minerals (52552 with drone converter) and spent 245 shc. Your average: 213 (214 with drone converter) [453][-276] = 309 .. (311 with drone converter) [453][-271] = 120 .. [448][-270] = 120 .. [446][-272] = 156 .. [442][-273] = 120 .. [441][-277] = 150 .. [439][-278] = 125 .. [436][-274] = 160 .. [431][-277] = 134 .. [428][-279] = 120 .. (126 with drone converter) [423][-279] = 106 .. (107 with drone converter) [421][-281] = 175 .. (179 with drone converter) [425][-283] = 229 .. [424][-290] = 190 .. (202 with drone converter) [419][-290] = 79 .. [418][-287] = 164 .. [414][-291] = 225 .. [412][-296] = 200 .. (206 with drone converter) [410][-299] = 300 .. [409][-301] = 200 .. [407][-297] = 105 .. (113 with drone converter) [411][-295] = 450 .. [410][-288] = 400 .. [407][-284] = 350 .. (358 with drone converter) And here we're back again, let's go left! So far you have mined 56762 minerals (57286 with drone converter) and spent 269 shc. Your average: 211 (213 with drone converter) [405][-288] = 106 .. (114 with drone converter) [404][-289] = 136 .. [397][-290] = 130 .. [396][-293] = 150 .. [400][-295] = 300 .. [393][-295] = 203 .. Play a sector or two to get to the next... [380][-292] = 120 .. [379][-294] = 800 .. [383][-295] = 150 .. [386][-300] = 100 .. [391][-298] = 400 .. [393][-300] = 112 .. (124 with drone converter) [397][-304] = 122 .. [401][-300] = 200 .. (213 with drone converter) [402][-300] = 150 .. [402][-306] = 124 .. (140 with drone converter) [405][-307] = 138 .. [412][-307] = 308 .. [413][-303] = 97 .. [418][-300] = 187 .. (195 with drone converter) [424][-302] = 612 .. [418][-302] = 524 .. [418][-309] = 200 .. [422][-310] = 400 .. [417][-312] = 112 .. (118 with drone converter) [416][-311] = 236 .. (238 with drone converter) [412][-314] = 560 .. [413][-317] = 160 .. (166 with drone converter) [408][-319] = 180 .. (183 with drone converter) [410][-323] = 208 .. [411][-322] = 88 .. [414][-318] = 108 .. [420][-318] = 90 .. [422][-316] = 150 .. [422][-321] = 100 .. [421][-328] = 600 .. At this point you have 2 options, either go north and north-west to find other dense mining zones not too far from here with a lot of minerals much like this one, or stay and head south-east. Current version of this guide only includes a single route so if you wish to go north you are on your own. More routes will be added in future versions including the one in the north. [423][-322] = 210 .. (220 with drone converter) [424][-321] = 116 .. [426][-318] = 159 .. (166 with drone converter) [427][-321] = 138 .. (147 with drone converter) [430][-320] = 120 .. [428][-318] = 122 .. [428][-315] = 200 .. [428][-312] = 120 .. [428][-310] = 150 .. [428][-303] = 106 .. (123 with drone converter) [432][-303] = 154 .. (158 with drone converter) [432][-306] = 808 .. [432][-312] = 228 .. [434][-316] = 160 .. (162 with drone converter) [439][-317] = 96 .. ( 98 with drone converter) [444][-316] = 120 .. [445][-317] = 204 .. (212 with drone converter) [446][-316] = 194 .. [449][-315] = 350 .. (352 with drone converter) [449][-322] = 110 .. (112 with drone converter) [452][-321] = 221 .. [454][-316] = 80 .. [453][-312] = 120 .. (132 with drone converter) [449][-312] = 153 .. (154 with drone converter) [449][-305] = 192 .. (205 with drone converter) [443][-307] = 78 .. [439][-307] = 808 .. (812 with drone converter) [439][-305] = 120 .. [439][-304] = 115 .. [439][-301] = 320 .. [436][-298] = 240 .. (246 with drone converter) [433][-293] = 150 .. [439][-291] = 83 .. ( 90 with drone converter) [438][-297] = 100 .. (104 with drone converter) [437][-298] = 136 .. (154 with drone converter) [440][-301] = 206 .. [441][-302] = 200 .. (202 with drone converter) [447][-301] = 181 .. (189 with drone converter) [447][-299] = 303 .. [448][-299] = 130 .. (138 with drone converter) [447][-293] = 208 .. [452][-296] = 128 .. [453][-295] = 100 .. [455][-300] = 330 .. [454][-307] = 90 .. [460][-309] = 640 .. (646 with drone converter) [463][-314] = 358 .. [464][-312] = 300 .. (306 with drone converter) [462][-309] = 100 .. (109 with drone converter) [460][-305] = 300 .. [464][-304] = 100 .. [468][-300] = 120 .. (128 with drone converter) [471][-295] = 60 .. [475][-296] = 142 .. [480][-296] = 212 .. (226 with drone converter) [475][-295] = 231 .. (238 with drone converter) [475][-291] = 120 .. [468][-292] = 211 .. [463][-294] = 120 .. (124 with drone converter) [458][-293] = 85 .. [456][-292] = 126 .. [453][-288] = 132 .. (136 with drone converter) [453][-282] = 68 .. And here we're back again, let's go right! So far you have mined 77205 minerals (78007 with drone converter) and spent 368 shc. Your average: 210 (212 with drone converter) [458][-281] = 332 .. [460][-278] = 120 .. [460][-280] = 308 .. Getting out of dense mining zones, but still plenty of minerals ahead! [468][-280] = 400 .. (401 with drone converter) [471][-277] = 16 .. ( 20 with drone converter) [475][-273] = 100 .. [480][-273] = 484 .. [480][-280] = 170 .. (171 with drone converter) [487][-279] = 300 .. [483][-275] = 303 .. [484][-269] = 198 .. [485][-263] = 128 .. [488][-265] = 100 .. (104 with drone converter) [493][-263] = 80 .. [496][-264] = 210 .. Play a sector to get to the next... [499][-253] = 200 .. Play a few sectors to get to the next. You'll need to do this a few more times since we're getting into sparse zones, but don't worry it'll be worth your spent shc. [489][-235] = 306 .. (318 with drone converter) [489][-234] = 116 .. Play a couple sectors to get to the next... [475][-235] = 600 .. [477][-229] = 42 .. [479][-225] = 686 .. Play a few sectors to get to the next... [499][-227] = 806 .. (816 with drone converter) [497][-221] = 100 .. [499][-217] = 126 .. (132 with drone converter) [504][-220] = 150 .. (156 with drone converter) [503][-223] = 450 .. [506][-227] = 172 .. [512][-227] = 74 .. ( 81 with drone converter) [516][-228] = 121 .. [521][-228] = 200 .. (208 with drone converter) Play a few sectors to get to the next... [536][-237] = 312 .. (319 with drone converter) [539][-234] = 100 .. (105 with drone converter) [543][-233] = 450 .. [544][-239] = 90 .. [542][-241] = 120 .. [546][-243] = 112 .. [552][-245] = 29 .. ( 35 with drone converter) [557][-248] = 400 .. [559][-254] = 20 .. [560][-257] = 285 .. [564][-253] = 120 .. [570][-251] = 400 .. [573][-248] = 212 .. (214 with drone converter) [577][-252] = 300 .. (306 with drone converter) [578][-259] = 80 .. [573][-261] = 166 .. (168 with drone converter) [580][-260] = 60 .. [586][-259] = 381 .. =!= END OF ROUTE =!= Congrats! You have mined 88240 minerals (89129 with drone converter) and spent 416 shc give or take 20. Your average: 212 (214 with drone converter) Retrofuse yourself, go to the merchant at [-18][82] that's not far from the origin and enjoy your new shc! You will be able to purchase 809 shc (817 with drone converter) and that is almost 2 shc for every 1 you've spent. Want unlimited shc? Minerals respawn after 200 played sectors and you're way passed that. Go back to the wormhole at [121][-50] and start over! Looking to purchase other items? No matter what they cost, you got the money! Current version of this guide only includes a single route. More routes will be added in the future! Hope you enjoy! - Launcelot